# default ### Where to change ``` ./global.js host=your server ip secret=your server secret baseMediaUrl=your app addr ``` ## 2020-05-11 1.新增录像回看功能 2.解决媒体流关闭不彻底的问题 3.拉流更改为ws 4.本次更新了前段ui框架版本,解决弹窗概率性卡死界面的问题,需要重新执行 npm install 感谢 [@__z2xy__](https://gitee.com/__z2xy__) 的帮助 ## 效果展示 ![Image text](screenshot/index.png) ![Image text](screenshot/videoList.png) ![Image text](screenshot/videoPlayer.png) ![Image text](screenshot/videoHistory.png) ## Project setup ``` npm install ``` ### Compiles and hot-reloads for development ``` npm run serve ``` ### Compiles and minifies for production ``` npm run build ``` ### Run your tests ``` npm run test ``` ### Lints and fixes files ``` npm run lint ``` ### Customize configuration See [Configuration Reference](https://cli.vuejs.org/config/).