rtl8812a_spec.h 8.9 KB

  1. /******************************************************************************
  2. *
  3. * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
  4. *
  5. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6. * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
  7. * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8. *
  9. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10. * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11. * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
  12. * more details.
  13. *
  14. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
  15. * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
  16. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
  17. *
  18. *******************************************************************************/
  19. #ifndef __RTL8812A_SPEC_H__
  20. #define __RTL8812A_SPEC_H__
  21. #include <drv_conf.h>
  22. //============================================================
  23. // 8812 Regsiter offset definition
  24. //============================================================
  25. //============================================================
  26. //
  27. //============================================================
  28. //-----------------------------------------------------
  29. //
  30. // 0x0000h ~ 0x00FFh System Configuration
  31. //
  32. //-----------------------------------------------------
  33. #define REG_SDIO_CTRL_8812 0x0070
  34. #define REG_OPT_CTRL_8812 0x0074
  35. #define REG_RF_B_CTRL_8812 0x0076
  36. #define REG_FW_DRV_MSG_8812 0x0088
  37. #define REG_HMEBOX_E2_E3_8812 0x008C
  38. #define REG_HIMR0_8812 0x00B0
  39. #define REG_HISR0_8812 0x00B4
  40. #define REG_HIMR1_8812 0x00B8
  41. #define REG_HISR1_8812 0x00BC
  42. #define REG_EFUSE_BURN_GNT_8812 0x00CF
  43. #define REG_SYS_CFG1_8812 0x00FC
  44. //-----------------------------------------------------
  45. //
  46. // 0x0100h ~ 0x01FFh MACTOP General Configuration
  47. //
  48. //-----------------------------------------------------
  52. #define REG_RSVD3_8812 0x0168
  53. #define REG_C2HEVT_CMD_SEQ_88XX 0x01A1
  54. #define REG_C2hEVT_CMD_CONTENT_88XX 0x01A2
  55. #define REG_C2HEVT_CMD_LEN_88XX 0x01AE
  56. #define REG_HMEBOX_EXT0_8812 0x01F0
  57. #define REG_HMEBOX_EXT1_8812 0x01F4
  58. #define REG_HMEBOX_EXT2_8812 0x01F8
  59. #define REG_HMEBOX_EXT3_8812 0x01FC
  60. //-----------------------------------------------------
  61. //
  62. // 0x0200h ~ 0x027Fh TXDMA Configuration
  63. //
  64. //-----------------------------------------------------
  65. #define REG_TDECTRL1_8812 0x0228
  66. //-----------------------------------------------------
  67. //
  68. // 0x0280h ~ 0x02FFh RXDMA Configuration
  69. //
  70. //-----------------------------------------------------
  71. #define REG_RXDMA_PRO_8812 0x0290
  72. #define REG_EARLY_MODE_CONTROL_8812 0x02BC
  73. #define REG_RSVD5_8812 0x02F0
  74. #define REG_RSVD6_8812 0x02F4
  75. #define REG_RSVD7_8812 0x02F8
  76. #define REG_RSVD8_8812 0x02FC
  77. //-----------------------------------------------------
  78. //
  79. // 0x0300h ~ 0x03FFh PCIe
  80. //
  81. //-----------------------------------------------------
  82. #define REG_PCIE_MULTIFET_CTRL_8812 0x036A //PCIE Multi-Fethc Control
  83. //-----------------------------------------------------
  84. //
  85. // 0x0400h ~ 0x047Fh Protocol Configuration
  86. //
  87. //-----------------------------------------------------
  88. #define REG_TXBF_CTRL_8812 0x042C
  89. #define REG_ARFR1_8812 0x044C
  90. #define REG_CCK_CHECK_8812 0x0454
  91. #define REG_AMPDU_MAX_TIME_8812 0x0456
  92. #define REG_TXPKTBUF_BCNQ_BDNY1_8812 0x0457
  93. #define REG_AMPDU_MAX_LENGTH_8812 0x0458
  94. #define REG_TXPKTBUF_WMAC_LBK_BF_HD_8812 0x045D
  95. #define REG_NDPA_OPT_CTRL_8812 0x045F
  96. #define REG_DATA_SC_8812 0x0483
  97. #define REG_ARFR2_8812 0x048C
  98. #define REG_ARFR3_8812 0x0494
  99. #define REG_TXRPT_START_OFFSET 0x04AC
  100. #define REG_AMPDU_BURST_MODE_8812 0x04BC
  101. #define REG_HT_SINGLE_AMPDU_8812 0x04C7
  102. #define REG_MACID_PKT_DROP0_8812 0x04D0
  103. //-----------------------------------------------------
  104. //
  105. // 0x0500h ~ 0x05FFh EDCA Configuration
  106. //
  107. //-----------------------------------------------------
  108. #define REG_CTWND_8812 0x0572
  109. #define REG_SECONDARY_CCA_CTRL_8812 0x0577
  110. #define REG_SCH_TXCMD_8812 0x05F8
  111. //-----------------------------------------------------
  112. //
  113. // 0x0600h ~ 0x07FFh WMAC Configuration
  114. //
  115. //-----------------------------------------------------
  116. #define REG_MAC_CR_8812 0x0600
  117. #define REG_MAC_TX_SM_STATE_8812 0x06B4
  118. // Power
  119. #define REG_BFMER0_INFO_8812 0x06E4
  120. #define REG_BFMER1_INFO_8812 0x06EC
  121. #define REG_CSI_RPT_PARAM_BW20_8812 0x06F4
  122. #define REG_CSI_RPT_PARAM_BW40_8812 0x06F8
  123. #define REG_CSI_RPT_PARAM_BW80_8812 0x06FC
  124. // Hardware Port 2
  125. #define REG_BFMEE_SEL_8812 0x0714
  126. #define REG_SND_PTCL_CTRL_8812 0x0718
  127. //-----------------------------------------------------
  128. //
  129. // Redifine register definition for compatibility
  130. //
  131. //-----------------------------------------------------
  132. // TODO: use these definition when using REG_xxx naming rule.
  133. // NOTE: DO NOT Remove these definition. Use later.
  134. #define ISR_8812 REG_HISR0_8812
  135. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. // 8195 IMR/ISR bits (offset 0xB0, 8bits)
  137. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. #define IMR_DISABLED_8812 0
  139. // IMR DW0(0x00B0-00B3) Bit 0-31
  140. #define IMR_TIMER2_8812 BIT31 // Timeout interrupt 2
  141. #define IMR_TIMER1_8812 BIT30 // Timeout interrupt 1
  142. #define IMR_PSTIMEOUT_8812 BIT29 // Power Save Time Out Interrupt
  143. #define IMR_GTINT4_8812 BIT28 // When GTIMER4 expires, this bit is set to 1
  144. #define IMR_GTINT3_8812 BIT27 // When GTIMER3 expires, this bit is set to 1
  145. #define IMR_TXBCN0ERR_8812 BIT26 // Transmit Beacon0 Error
  146. #define IMR_TXBCN0OK_8812 BIT25 // Transmit Beacon0 OK
  147. #define IMR_TSF_BIT32_TOGGLE_8812 BIT24 // TSF Timer BIT32 toggle indication interrupt
  148. #define IMR_BCNDMAINT0_8812 BIT20 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 0
  149. #define IMR_BCNDERR0_8812 BIT16 // Beacon Queue DMA OK0
  150. #define IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT_8812 BIT15 // HSISR Indicator (HSIMR & HSISR is true, this bit is set to 1)
  151. #define IMR_BCNDMAINT_E_8812 BIT14 // Beacon DMA Interrupt Extension for Win7
  152. #define IMR_ATIMEND_8812 BIT12 // CTWidnow End or ATIM Window End
  153. #define IMR_C2HCMD_8812 BIT10 // CPU to Host Command INT Status, Write 1 clear
  154. #define IMR_CPWM2_8812 BIT9 // CPU power Mode exchange INT Status, Write 1 clear
  155. #define IMR_CPWM_8812 BIT8 // CPU power Mode exchange INT Status, Write 1 clear
  156. #define IMR_HIGHDOK_8812 BIT7 // High Queue DMA OK
  157. #define IMR_MGNTDOK_8812 BIT6 // Management Queue DMA OK
  158. #define IMR_BKDOK_8812 BIT5 // AC_BK DMA OK
  159. #define IMR_BEDOK_8812 BIT4 // AC_BE DMA OK
  160. #define IMR_VIDOK_8812 BIT3 // AC_VI DMA OK
  161. #define IMR_VODOK_8812 BIT2 // AC_VO DMA OK
  162. #define IMR_RDU_8812 BIT1 // Rx Descriptor Unavailable
  163. #define IMR_ROK_8812 BIT0 // Receive DMA OK
  164. // IMR DW1(0x00B4-00B7) Bit 0-31
  165. #define IMR_BCNDMAINT7_8812 BIT27 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 7
  166. #define IMR_BCNDMAINT6_8812 BIT26 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 6
  167. #define IMR_BCNDMAINT5_8812 BIT25 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 5
  168. #define IMR_BCNDMAINT4_8812 BIT24 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 4
  169. #define IMR_BCNDMAINT3_8812 BIT23 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 3
  170. #define IMR_BCNDMAINT2_8812 BIT22 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 2
  171. #define IMR_BCNDMAINT1_8812 BIT21 // Beacon DMA Interrupt 1
  172. #define IMR_BCNDOK7_8812 BIT20 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 7
  173. #define IMR_BCNDOK6_8812 BIT19 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 6
  174. #define IMR_BCNDOK5_8812 BIT18 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 5
  175. #define IMR_BCNDOK4_8812 BIT17 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 4
  176. #define IMR_BCNDOK3_8812 BIT16 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 3
  177. #define IMR_BCNDOK2_8812 BIT15 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 2
  178. #define IMR_BCNDOK1_8812 BIT14 // Beacon Queue DMA OK Interrup 1
  179. #define IMR_ATIMEND_E_8812 BIT13 // ATIM Window End Extension for Win7
  180. #define IMR_TXERR_8812 BIT11 // Tx Error Flag Interrupt Status, write 1 clear.
  181. #define IMR_RXERR_8812 BIT10 // Rx Error Flag INT Status, Write 1 clear
  182. #define IMR_TXFOVW_8812 BIT9 // Transmit FIFO Overflow
  183. #define IMR_RXFOVW_8812 BIT8 // Receive FIFO Overflow
  184. //============================================================================
  185. // Regsiter Bit and Content definition
  186. //============================================================================
  187. //2 ACMHWCTRL 0x05C0
  188. #define AcmHw_HwEn_8812 BIT(0)
  189. #define AcmHw_VoqEn_8812 BIT(1)
  190. #define AcmHw_ViqEn_8812 BIT(2)
  191. #define AcmHw_BeqEn_8812 BIT(3)
  192. #define AcmHw_VoqStatus_8812 BIT(5)
  193. #define AcmHw_ViqStatus_8812 BIT(6)
  194. #define AcmHw_BeqStatus_8812 BIT(7)
  195. #endif //__RTL8188E_SPEC_H__