@@ -0,0 +1,1067 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 Bstek
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+ * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
+ * of the License at
+ *
+ * http:
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+ * the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+package com.bstek.urule.console.repository;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.OutputStream;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.List;
+import javax.jcr.Binary;
+import javax.jcr.ImportUUIDBehavior;
+import javax.jcr.Node;
+import javax.jcr.NodeIterator;
+import javax.jcr.Property;
+import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
+import javax.jcr.Session;
+import javax.jcr.SimpleCredentials;
+import javax.jcr.version.Version;
+import javax.jcr.version.VersionHistory;
+import javax.jcr.version.VersionIterator;
+import javax.jcr.version.VersionManager;
+import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
+import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.RepositoryImpl;
+import org.apache.jackrabbit.value.BinaryImpl;
+import org.apache.jackrabbit.value.DateValue;
+import org.dom4j.Document;
+import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
+import org.dom4j.Element;
+import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
+import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
+import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
+import com.bstek.urule.RuleException;
+import com.bstek.urule.Utils;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.DefaultRepositoryInteceptor;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.RepositoryInteceptor;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.User;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.exception.NoPermissionException;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.repository.model.FileType;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.repository.model.LibType;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.repository.model.RepositoryFile;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.repository.model.ResourceItem;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.repository.model.ResourcePackage;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.repository.model.Type;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.repository.model.VersionFile;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.repository.permission.PermissionService;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.repository.updater.ReferenceUpdater;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.servlet.permission.ProjectConfig;
+import com.bstek.urule.console.servlet.permission.UserPermission;
+ * @author Jacky.gao
+ * @since 2016年5月24日
+ */
+public class RepositoryServiceImpl implements RepositoryService, ApplicationContextAware {
+ public static final String RES_PACKGE_FILE="___res__package__file__";
+ public static final String CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE="___client_config__file__";
+ public static final String RESOURCE_SECURITY_CONFIG_FILE="___resource_security_config__file__";
+ private final String DATA = "_data";
+ private final String DIR_TAG = "_dir";
+ private final String FILE = "_file";
+ private final String CRATE_USER = "_create_user";
+ private final String CRATE_DATE = "_create_date";
+ private final String VERSION_COMMENT="_version_comment";
+ private final String COMPANY_ID="_company_id";
+ private RepositoryBuilder repositoryBuilder;
+ private RepositoryImpl repository;
+ private Session session;
+ private VersionManager versionManager;
+ private RepositoryRefactor refactor;
+ private RepositoryInteceptor repositoryInteceptor;
+ private PermissionService permissionService;
+ @Override
+ public List<UserPermission> loadResourceSecurityConfigs(String companyId) {
+ try{
+ List<UserPermission> configs=new ArrayList<UserPermission>();
+ String filePath=RESOURCE_SECURITY_CONFIG_FILE+(companyId == null ? "" : companyId);
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ if (!rootNode.hasNode(filePath)) {
+ createFileNode(filePath, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><user-permission></user-permission>",null,false);
+ return configs;
+ }
+ Node fileNode = rootNode.getNode(filePath);
+ Property property = fileNode.getProperty(DATA);
+ Binary fileBinary = property.getBinary();
+ InputStream inputStream = fileBinary.getStream();
+ String content = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, "utf-8");
+ inputStream.close();
+ Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(content);
+ Element rootElement = document.getRootElement();
+ for (Object obj : rootElement.elements()) {
+ if (!(obj instanceof Element)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Element element = (Element) obj;
+ if (!element.getName().equals("user-permission")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ UserPermission userResource=new UserPermission();
+ userResource.setUsername(element.attributeValue("username"));
+ userResource.setProjectConfigs(parseProjectConfigs(element));
+ configs.add(userResource);
+ }
+ return configs;
+ }catch(Exception ex){
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ private List<ProjectConfig> parseProjectConfigs(Element element){
+ List<ProjectConfig> list=new ArrayList<ProjectConfig>();
+ for (Object obj : element.elements()) {
+ if (!(obj instanceof Element)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Element ele = (Element) obj;
+ if (!ele.getName().equals("project-config")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ProjectConfig config=new ProjectConfig();
+ config.setProject(ele.attributeValue("project"));
+ config.setReadProject(parseBooleanValue(ele, "read-project"));
+ config.setReadPackage(parseBooleanValue(ele, "read-package"));
+ config.setWritePackage(parseBooleanValue(ele, "write-package"));
+ config.setReadVariableFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "read-variable-file"));
+ config.setWriteVariableFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "write-variable-file"));
+ config.setReadParameterFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "read-parameter-file"));
+ config.setWriteParameterFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "write-parameter-file"));
+ config.setReadConstantFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "read-constant-file"));
+ config.setWriteConstantFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "write-constant-file"));
+ config.setReadActionFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "read-action-file"));
+ config.setWriteActionFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "write-action-file"));
+ config.setReadRuleFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "read-rule-file"));
+ config.setWriteRuleFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "write-rule-file"));
+ config.setReadScorecardFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "read-scorecard-file"));
+ config.setWriteScorecardFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "write-scorecard-file"));
+ config.setReadDecisionTableFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "read-decision-table-file"));
+ config.setWriteDecisionTableFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "write-decision-table-file"));
+ config.setReadDecisionTreeFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "read-decision-tree-file"));
+ config.setWriteDecisionTreeFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "write-decision-tree-file"));
+ config.setReadFlowFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "read-flow-file"));
+ config.setWriteFlowFile(parseBooleanValue(ele, "write-flow-file"));
+ list.add(config);
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ private boolean parseBooleanValue(Element element,String attributeName){
+ if(element.attributeValue(attributeName)!=null){
+ return Boolean.valueOf(element.attributeValue(attributeName));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<ClientConfig> loadClientConfigs(String project) {
+ if(!permissionService.isAdmin()){
+ throw new NoPermissionException();
+ }
+ try{
+ List<ClientConfig> clients=new ArrayList<ClientConfig>();
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ String filePath = processPath(project) + "/" + CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE;
+ if (!rootNode.hasNode(filePath)) {
+ createFile(filePath, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><client-config></client-config>",null);
+ return clients;
+ }
+ Node fileNode = rootNode.getNode(filePath);
+ Property property = fileNode.getProperty(DATA);
+ Binary fileBinary = property.getBinary();
+ InputStream inputStream = fileBinary.getStream();
+ String content = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, "utf-8");
+ inputStream.close();
+ Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(content);
+ Element rootElement = document.getRootElement();
+ for (Object obj : rootElement.elements()) {
+ if (!(obj instanceof Element)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Element element = (Element) obj;
+ if (!element.getName().equals("item")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ClientConfig client = new ClientConfig();
+ client.setName(element.attributeValue("name"));
+ client.setClient(element.attributeValue("client"));
+ client.setProject(project);
+ clients.add(client);
+ }
+ return clients;
+ }catch(Exception ex){
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ public List<VersionFile> getVersionFiles(String path) {
+ path = processPath(path);
+ try {
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ if (!rootNode.hasNode(path)) {
+ throw new RuleException("File [" + path + "] not exist.");
+ }
+ List<VersionFile> files = new ArrayList<VersionFile>();
+ Node fileNode = rootNode.getNode(path);
+ VersionHistory versionHistory = versionManager.getVersionHistory(fileNode.getPath());
+ VersionIterator iterator = versionHistory.getAllVersions();
+ while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ Version version = iterator.nextVersion();
+ String versionName = version.getName();
+ if (versionName.startsWith("jcr:")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Node fnode = version.getFrozenNode();
+ VersionFile file = new VersionFile();
+ file.setName(version.getName());
+ file.setPath(fileNode.getPath());
+ Property prop = fnode.getProperty(CRATE_USER);
+ file.setCreateUser(prop.getString());
+ prop = fnode.getProperty(CRATE_DATE);
+ file.setCreateDate(prop.getDate().getTime());
+ if(fnode.hasProperty(VERSION_COMMENT)){
+ prop=fnode.getProperty(VERSION_COMMENT);
+ file.setComment(prop.getString());
+ }
+ files.add(file);
+ }
+ return files;
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ public List<RepositoryFile> getDirectories(String project) throws Exception {
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ NodeIterator nodeIterator = rootNode.getNodes();
+ Node targetProjectNode = null;
+ while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) {
+ Node projectNode = nodeIterator.nextNode();
+ if (!projectNode.hasProperty(FILE)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String projectName = projectNode.getName();
+ if (project != null && !project.equals(projectName)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ targetProjectNode = projectNode;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (targetProjectNode == null) {
+ throw new RuleException("Project [" + project + "] not exist.");
+ }
+ List<RepositoryFile> fileList = new ArrayList<RepositoryFile>();
+ RepositoryFile root = new RepositoryFile();
+ root.setName("根目录");
+ String projectPath = targetProjectNode.getPath();
+ root.setFullPath(projectPath);
+ fileList.add(root);
+ NodeIterator projectNodeIterator = targetProjectNode.getNodes();
+ while (projectNodeIterator.hasNext()) {
+ Node dirNode = projectNodeIterator.nextNode();
+ if (!dirNode.hasProperty(DIR_TAG)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ RepositoryFile file = new RepositoryFile();
+ file.setName(dirNode.getPath().substring(projectPath.length()));
+ file.setFullPath(dirNode.getPath());
+ fileList.add(file);
+ buildDirectories(dirNode, fileList, projectPath);
+ }
+ return fileList;
+ }
+ private void buildDirectories(Node node, List<RepositoryFile> fileList, String projectPath) throws Exception {
+ NodeIterator nodeIterator = node.getNodes();
+ while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) {
+ Node dirNode = nodeIterator.nextNode();
+ if (!dirNode.hasProperty(FILE)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!dirNode.hasProperty(DIR_TAG)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ RepositoryFile file = new RepositoryFile();
+ file.setName(dirNode.getPath().substring(projectPath.length()));
+ file.setFullPath(dirNode.getPath());
+ buildDirectories(dirNode, fileList, projectPath);
+ fileList.add(file);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<RepositoryFile> loadProject(String companyId) {
+ List<RepositoryFile> projects=new ArrayList<RepositoryFile>();
+ try{
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ NodeIterator nodeIterator = rootNode.getNodes();
+ while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) {
+ Node projectNode = nodeIterator.nextNode();
+ if (!projectNode.hasProperty(FILE)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(companyId)){
+ if(projectNode.hasProperty(COMPANY_ID)){
+ String id=projectNode.getProperty(COMPANY_ID).getString();
+ if(!companyId.equals(id)){
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(projectNode.getName().indexOf(RESOURCE_SECURITY_CONFIG_FILE)>-1){
+ continue;
+ }
+ RepositoryFile projectFile = new RepositoryFile();
+ projectFile.setType(Type.project);
+ projectFile.setName(projectNode.getName());
+ projectFile.setFullPath("/" + projectNode.getName());
+ projects.add(projectFile);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ return projects;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Repository loadRepository(String project,String companyId,boolean classify,FileType[] types,String searchFileName) {
+ if(project!=null && project.startsWith("/")){
+ project=project.substring(1,project.length());
+ }
+ try {
+ Repository repo=new Repository();
+ List<String> projectNames=new ArrayList<String>();
+ repo.setProjectNames(projectNames);
+ RepositoryFile rootFile = new RepositoryFile();
+ rootFile.setFullPath("/");
+ rootFile.setName("项目列表");
+ rootFile.setType(Type.root);
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ NodeIterator nodeIterator = rootNode.getNodes();
+ while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) {
+ Node projectNode = nodeIterator.nextNode();
+ if (!projectNode.hasProperty(FILE)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(companyId)){
+ if(projectNode.hasProperty(COMPANY_ID)){
+ String id=projectNode.getProperty(COMPANY_ID).getString();
+ if(!companyId.equals(id)){
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ String projectName = projectNode.getName();
+ if(projectName.indexOf(RESOURCE_SECURITY_CONFIG_FILE)>-1){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(project) && !project.equals(projectName)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!permissionService.projectHasPermission(projectNode.getPath())){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(StringUtils.isBlank(project)){
+ projectNames.add(projectName);
+ }
+ RepositoryFile projectFile=buildProjectFile(projectNode,types,classify,searchFileName);
+ rootFile.addChild(projectFile, false);
+ }
+ repo.setRootFile(rootFile);
+ return repo;
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ private RepositoryFile buildProjectFile(Node projectNode,FileType[] types,boolean classify,String searchFileName) throws Exception{
+ RepositoryFile projectFile = new RepositoryFile();
+ projectFile.setType(Type.project);
+ projectFile.setName(projectNode.getName());
+ projectFile.setFullPath("/" + projectNode.getName());
+ RepositoryFile resDir = new RepositoryFile();
+ resDir.setFullPath(projectFile.getFullPath());
+ resDir.setName("资源");
+ if((types==null || types.length==0) && permissionService.projectPackageHasReadPermission(projectNode.getPath())){
+ RepositoryFile packageFile = new RepositoryFile();
+ packageFile.setName("知识包");
+ packageFile.setType(Type.resourcePackage);
+ packageFile.setFullPath(projectFile.getFullPath());
+ projectFile.addChild(packageFile, false);
+ }
+ if(classify){
+ resDir.setType(Type.resource);
+ createResourceCategory(projectNode, resDir,types,searchFileName);
+ }else{
+ resDir.setType(Type.all);
+ buildResources(projectNode, resDir, types,searchFileName);
+ }
+ projectFile.addChild(resDir, false);
+ return projectFile;
+ }
+ private void buildResources(Node projectNode, RepositoryFile libDir,FileType[] types,String searchFileName) throws Exception{
+ FileType[] fileTypes=types;
+ if(types==null || types.length==0){
+ fileTypes = new FileType[] { FileType.VariableLibrary,
+ FileType.ParameterLibrary, FileType.ConstantLibrary,
+ FileType.ActionLibrary, FileType.Ruleset,
+ FileType.RuleFlow, FileType.DecisionTable,
+ FileType.DecisionTree, FileType.ScriptDecisionTable,
+ FileType.UL,FileType.Scorecard };
+ }
+ libDir.setLibType(LibType.all);
+ buildNodes(projectNode.getNodes(), libDir, fileTypes,Type.all,searchFileName);
+ }
+ private void createResourceCategory(Node projectNode, RepositoryFile libDir,FileType[] types,String searchFileName) throws Exception{
+ RepositoryFile subLib = buildLibFile(libDir,"库",LibType.res);
+ subLib.setType(Type.lib);
+ libDir.addChild(subLib, false);
+ FileType[] librarySubTypes = types;
+ if(types==null || types.length==0){
+ librarySubTypes=new FileType[] { FileType.VariableLibrary, FileType.ParameterLibrary,FileType.ConstantLibrary, FileType.ActionLibrary };
+ }
+ buildNodes(projectNode.getNodes(), subLib, librarySubTypes,Type.lib,searchFileName);
+ RepositoryFile rulesLib = buildLibFile(libDir,"决策集",LibType.ruleset);
+ rulesLib.setFullPath(libDir.getFullPath());
+ rulesLib.setType(Type.ruleLib);
+ RepositoryFile decisionTableLib = buildLibFile(libDir,"决策表",LibType.decisiontable);
+ decisionTableLib.setFullPath(libDir.getFullPath());
+ decisionTableLib.setType(Type.decisionTableLib);
+ RepositoryFile decisionTreeLib = buildLibFile(libDir,"决策树",LibType.decisiontree);
+ decisionTreeLib.setFullPath(libDir.getFullPath());
+ decisionTreeLib.setType(Type.decisionTreeLib);
+ RepositoryFile scorecardLib = buildLibFile(libDir,"评分卡",LibType.scorecard);
+ scorecardLib.setFullPath(libDir.getFullPath());
+ scorecardLib.setType(Type.scorecardLib);
+ RepositoryFile flowLib = buildLibFile(libDir,"决策流",LibType.ruleflow);
+ flowLib.setFullPath(libDir.getFullPath());
+ flowLib.setType(Type.flowLib);
+ libDir.addChild(rulesLib, false);
+ libDir.addChild(decisionTableLib, false);
+ libDir.addChild(decisionTreeLib, false);
+ libDir.addChild(scorecardLib, false);
+ libDir.addChild(flowLib, false);
+ FileType[] libraryRuleTypes = types;
+ if(types==null || types.length==0){
+ libraryRuleTypes=new FileType[] { FileType.Ruleset, FileType.UL };
+ }
+ FileType[] libraryDecisionTypes = types;
+ if(types==null || types.length==0){
+ libraryDecisionTypes = new FileType[] { FileType.DecisionTable, FileType.ScriptDecisionTable };
+ }
+ FileType[] libraryDecisionTreeTypes = types;
+ if(types==null || types.length==0){
+ libraryDecisionTreeTypes = new FileType[] { FileType.DecisionTree };
+ }
+ FileType[] libraryFlowTypes = types;
+ if(types==null || types.length==0){
+ libraryFlowTypes = new FileType[] { FileType.RuleFlow };
+ }
+ FileType[] libraryScorecardTypes = types;
+ if(types==null || types.length==0){
+ libraryScorecardTypes = new FileType[] { FileType.Scorecard };
+ }
+ buildNodes(projectNode.getNodes(), rulesLib, libraryRuleTypes,Type.ruleLib,searchFileName);
+ buildNodes(projectNode.getNodes(), decisionTableLib, libraryDecisionTypes,Type.decisionTableLib,searchFileName);
+ buildNodes(projectNode.getNodes(), decisionTreeLib, libraryDecisionTreeTypes,Type.decisionTreeLib,searchFileName);
+ buildNodes(projectNode.getNodes(), scorecardLib, libraryScorecardTypes,Type.scorecardLib,searchFileName);
+ buildNodes(projectNode.getNodes(), flowLib, libraryFlowTypes,Type.flowLib,searchFileName);
+ }
+ private RepositoryFile buildLibFile(RepositoryFile libraryDir,String name,LibType libType) {
+ RepositoryFile subLib = new RepositoryFile();
+ subLib.setFullPath(libraryDir.getFullPath());
+ subLib.setName(name);
+ subLib.setLibType(libType);
+ return subLib;
+ }
+ private void buildNodes(NodeIterator nodeIterator, RepositoryFile parent, FileType[] types,Type folderType,String searchFileName) {
+ LibType libType=parent.getLibType();
+ try {
+ while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) {
+ Node fileNode = nodeIterator.nextNode();
+ if (!fileNode.hasProperty(FILE)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ RepositoryFile file = new RepositoryFile();
+ file.setLibType(libType);
+ String name = fileNode.getName();
+ if (name.toLowerCase().indexOf(RES_PACKGE_FILE) > -1 || name.toLowerCase().indexOf(CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE) > -1 || name.toLowerCase().indexOf(RESOURCE_SECURITY_CONFIG_FILE) > -1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!fileNode.hasProperty(DIR_TAG)) {
+ if(!permissionService.fileHasReadPermission(fileNode.getPath())){
+ continue;
+ }
+ FileType fileType=null;
+ boolean add = false;
+ for (FileType type : types) {
+ if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(type.toString())) {
+ fileType=type;
+ add = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!add) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(libType.equals(LibType.res)){
+ if(!fileType.equals(FileType.ActionLibrary) && !fileType.equals(FileType.ParameterLibrary) && !fileType.equals(FileType.ConstantLibrary) && !fileType.equals(FileType.VariableLibrary)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(libType.equals(LibType.decisiontable)){
+ if(!fileType.equals(FileType.ScriptDecisionTable) && !fileType.equals(FileType.DecisionTable)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(libType.equals(LibType.decisiontree)){
+ if(!fileType.equals(FileType.DecisionTree)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(libType.equals(LibType.ruleflow)){
+ if(!fileType.equals(FileType.RuleFlow)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(libType.equals(LibType.scorecard)){
+ if(!fileType.equals(FileType.Scorecard)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(libType.equals(LibType.ruleset)){
+ if(!fileType.equals(FileType.Ruleset) && !fileType.equals(FileType.UL)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(searchFileName)){
+ if(name.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchFileName.toLowerCase())==-1){
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileType.ActionLibrary.toString())) {
+ file.setType(Type.action);
+ } else if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileType.VariableLibrary.toString())) {
+ file.setType(Type.variable);
+ } else if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileType.ConstantLibrary.toString())) {
+ file.setType(Type.constant);
+ } else if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileType.Ruleset.toString())) {
+ file.setType(Type.rule);
+ } else if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileType.DecisionTable.toString())) {
+ file.setType(Type.decisionTable);
+ } else if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileType.UL.toString())) {
+ file.setType(Type.ul);
+ } else if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileType.ParameterLibrary.toString())) {
+ file.setType(Type.parameter);
+ } else if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileType.RuleFlow.toString())) {
+ file.setType(Type.flow);
+ } else if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileType.ScriptDecisionTable.toString())) {
+ file.setType(Type.scriptDecisionTable);
+ } else if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileType.DecisionTree.toString())) {
+ file.setType(Type.decisionTree);
+ } else if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileType.Scorecard.toString())) {
+ file.setType(Type.scorecard);
+ }
+ file.setFullPath(fileNode.getPath());
+ file.setName(name);
+ parent.addChild(file, false);
+ buildNodes(fileNode.getNodes(), file, types,folderType,searchFileName);
+ }else{
+ file.setFullPath(fileNode.getPath());
+ file.setName(name);
+ file.setType(Type.folder);
+ file.setFolderType(folderType);
+ parent.addChild(file, true);
+ buildNodes(fileNode.getNodes(), file, types,folderType,searchFileName);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ public void deleteFile(String path) {
+ if(!permissionService.fileHasWritePermission(path)){
+ throw new NoPermissionException();
+ }
+ repositoryInteceptor.deleteFile(path);
+ path = processPath(path);
+ try {
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ if (!rootNode.hasNode(path)) {
+ throw new RuleException("File [" + path + "] not exist.");
+ }
+ String[] subpaths = path.split("/");
+ Node fileNode = rootNode;
+ for (String subpath : subpaths) {
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(subpath)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String subDirs[] = subpath.split("\\.");
+ for (String dir : subDirs) {
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dir)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!fileNode.hasNode(dir)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ fileNode = fileNode.getNode(dir);
+ if (!fileNode.isCheckedOut()) {
+ versionManager.checkout(fileNode.getPath());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fileNode = rootNode.getNode(path);
+ if (!fileNode.isCheckedOut()) {
+ versionManager.checkout(fileNode.getPath());
+ }
+ fileNode.remove();
+ session.save();
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void saveFile(String path, String content,String createUser,boolean newVersion,String versionComment) {
+ path=Utils.decodeURL(path);
+ if(path.indexOf(RES_PACKGE_FILE)>-1){
+ if(!permissionService.projectPackageHasWritePermission(path)){
+ throw new NoPermissionException();
+ }
+ }
+ if(!permissionService.fileHasWritePermission(path)){
+ throw new NoPermissionException();
+ }
+ repositoryInteceptor.saveFile(path, content);
+ path = processPath(path);
+ int pos=path.indexOf(":");
+ if(pos!=-1){
+ path=path.substring(0,pos);
+ }
+ try {
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ if (!rootNode.hasNode(path)) {
+ throw new RuleException("File [" + path + "] not exist.");
+ }
+ Node fileNode = rootNode.getNode(path);
+ versionManager.checkout(fileNode.getPath());
+ Binary fileBinary = new BinaryImpl(content.getBytes("utf-8"));
+ fileNode.setProperty(DATA, fileBinary);
+ fileNode.setProperty(FILE, true);
+ fileNode.setProperty(CRATE_USER, createUser);
+ Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
+ calendar.setTime(new Date());
+ DateValue dateValue = new DateValue(calendar);
+ fileNode.setProperty(CRATE_DATE, dateValue);
+ if (newVersion && StringUtils.isNotBlank(versionComment)) {
+ fileNode.setProperty(VERSION_COMMENT, versionComment);
+ }
+ session.save();
+ if (newVersion) {
+ if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(versionComment)){
+ }
+ versionManager.checkin(fileNode.getPath());
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ public List<String> getReferenceFiles(String path) {
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ return refactor.getReferenceFiles(rootNode, path);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean fileExistCheck(String filePath) {
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ try{
+ filePath=processPath(filePath);
+ if(filePath.contains(" ") || filePath.equals("")){
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(rootNode.hasNode(filePath)){
+ return true;
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public RepositoryFile createProject(String projectName, User user,boolean classify) {
+ if(!permissionService.isAdmin()){
+ throw new NoPermissionException();
+ }
+ repositoryInteceptor.createProject(projectName);
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ try{
+ if(rootNode.hasNode(projectName)){
+ throw new RuleException("Project ["+projectName+"] already exist.");
+ }
+ Node projectNode=rootNode.addNode(projectName);
+ projectNode.addMixin("mix:versionable");
+ projectNode.setProperty(FILE, true);
+ projectNode.setProperty(CRATE_USER,user.getUsername());
+ projectNode.setProperty(COMPANY_ID, user.getCompanyId());
+ Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
+ calendar.setTime(new Date());
+ DateValue dateValue = new DateValue(calendar);
+ projectNode.setProperty(CRATE_DATE, dateValue);
+ session.save();
+ RepositoryFile projectFileInfo=buildProjectFile(projectNode, null ,classify,null);
+ return projectFileInfo;
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ public void createDir(String path,User user) {
+ if(!permissionService.isAdmin()){
+ throw new NoPermissionException();
+ }
+ repositoryInteceptor.createDir(path);
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ path = processPath(path);
+ try {
+ if (rootNode.hasNode(path)) {
+ throw new RuleException("Dir [" + path + "] already exist.");
+ }
+ boolean add = false;
+ String[] subpaths = path.split("/");
+ Node parentNode = rootNode;
+ for (String subpath : subpaths) {
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(subpath)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String subDirs[] = subpath.split("\\.");
+ for (String dir : subDirs) {
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dir)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (parentNode.hasNode(dir)) {
+ parentNode = parentNode.getNode(dir);
+ } else {
+ parentNode = parentNode.addNode(dir);
+ parentNode.addMixin("mix:versionable");
+ parentNode.setProperty(DIR_TAG, true);
+ parentNode.setProperty(FILE, true);
+ parentNode.setProperty(CRATE_USER,user.getUsername());
+ Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
+ calendar.setTime(new Date());
+ DateValue dateValue = new DateValue(calendar);
+ parentNode.setProperty(CRATE_DATE, dateValue);
+ add = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (add) {
+ session.save();
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ public void createFile(String path, String content,String createUser) {
+ if(!permissionService.isAdmin()){
+ throw new NoPermissionException();
+ }
+ createFileNode(path, content, createUser, true);
+ }
+ private void createFileNode(String path, String content,String createUser,boolean isFile){
+ repositoryInteceptor.createFile(path,content);
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ path = processPath(path);
+ try {
+ if (rootNode.hasNode(path)) {
+ throw new RuleException("File [" + path + "] already exist.");
+ }
+ Node fileNode = rootNode.addNode(path);
+ fileNode.addMixin("mix:versionable");
+ Binary fileBinary = new BinaryImpl(content.getBytes());
+ fileNode.setProperty(DATA, fileBinary);
+ if(isFile){
+ fileNode.setProperty(FILE, true);
+ }
+ fileNode.setProperty(CRATE_USER, createUser);
+ Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
+ calendar.setTime(new Date());
+ DateValue dateValue = new DateValue(calendar);
+ fileNode.setProperty(CRATE_DATE, dateValue);
+ session.save();
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ public List<ResourcePackage> loadProjectResourcePackages(String project) throws Exception {
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ String filePath = processPath(project) + "/" + RES_PACKGE_FILE;
+ if (!rootNode.hasNode(filePath)) {
+ createFile(filePath, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><res-packages></res-packages>",null);
+ return null;
+ }
+ SimpleDateFormat sd = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+ Node fileNode = rootNode.getNode(filePath);
+ Property property = fileNode.getProperty(DATA);
+ Binary fileBinary = property.getBinary();
+ InputStream inputStream = fileBinary.getStream();
+ String content = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, "utf-8");
+ inputStream.close();
+ Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(content);
+ Element rootElement = document.getRootElement();
+ List<ResourcePackage> packages = new ArrayList<ResourcePackage>();
+ for (Object obj : rootElement.elements()) {
+ if (!(obj instanceof Element)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Element element = (Element) obj;
+ if (!element.getName().equals("res-package")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ResourcePackage p = new ResourcePackage();
+ String dateStr = element.attributeValue("create_date");
+ if (dateStr != null) {
+ p.setCreateDate(sd.parse(dateStr));
+ }
+ p.setId(element.attributeValue("id"));
+ p.setName(element.attributeValue("name"));
+ p.setProject(project);
+ List<ResourceItem> items = new ArrayList<ResourceItem>();
+ for (Object o : element.elements()) {
+ if (!(o instanceof Element)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Element ele = (Element) o;
+ if (!ele.getName().equals("res-package-item")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ResourceItem item = new ResourceItem();
+ item.setName(ele.attributeValue("name"));
+ item.setPackageId(p.getId());
+ item.setPath(ele.attributeValue("path"));
+ item.setVersion(ele.attributeValue("version"));
+ items.add(item);
+ }
+ p.setResourceItems(items);
+ packages.add(p);
+ }
+ return packages;
+ }
+ private InputStream readVersionFile(String path, String version) {
+ path = processPath(path);
+ try {
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ if (!rootNode.hasNode(path)) {
+ throw new RuleException("File [" + path + "] not exist.");
+ }
+ Node fileNode = rootNode.getNode(path);
+ VersionHistory versionHistory = versionManager.getVersionHistory(fileNode.getPath());
+ Version v = versionHistory.getVersion(version);
+ Node fnode = v.getFrozenNode();
+ Property property = fnode.getProperty(DATA);
+ Binary fileBinary = property.getBinary();
+ return fileBinary.getStream();
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public InputStream readFile(String path,String version) {
+ if(!permissionService.fileHasReadPermission(path)){
+ throw new NoPermissionException();
+ }
+ if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(version)){
+ repositoryInteceptor.readFile(path+":"+version);
+ return readVersionFile(path, version);
+ }
+ repositoryInteceptor.readFile(path);
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ int colonPos = path.lastIndexOf(":");
+ if (colonPos > -1) {
+ version = path.substring(colonPos + 1, path.length());
+ path = path.substring(0, colonPos);
+ return readFile(path, version);
+ }
+ path = processPath(path);
+ try {
+ if (!rootNode.hasNode(path)) {
+ throw new RuleException("File [" + path + "] not exist.");
+ }
+ Node fileNode = rootNode.getNode(path);
+ Property property = fileNode.getProperty(DATA);
+ Binary fileBinary = property.getBinary();
+ return fileBinary.getStream();
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ public void setRepositoryBuilder(RepositoryBuilder repositoryBuilder) {
+ this.repositoryBuilder = repositoryBuilder;
+ }
+ private Node getRootNode(){
+ try {
+ return session.getRootNode();
+ } catch (RepositoryException e) {
+ throw new RuleException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private String processPath(String path) {
+ if (path.startsWith("/")) {
+ return path.substring(1, path.length());
+ }
+ return path;
+ }
+ public void fileRename(String path, String newPath) {
+ if(!permissionService.isAdmin()){
+ throw new NoPermissionException();
+ }
+ repositoryInteceptor.renameFile(path, newPath);
+ path = processPath(path);
+ newPath = processPath(newPath);
+ try {
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ if (!rootNode.hasNode(path)) {
+ throw new RuleException("File [" + path + "] not exist.");
+ }
+ session.getWorkspace().move("/" + path, "/" + newPath);
+ session.save();
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ public void exportXml(String projectPath, OutputStream outputStream) {
+ if(!permissionService.isAdmin()){
+ throw new NoPermissionException();
+ }
+ try {
+ session.exportSystemView(projectPath, outputStream, false, false);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new RuleException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ public void importXml(InputStream inputStream,boolean overwrite) {
+ if(!permissionService.isAdmin()){
+ throw new NoPermissionException();
+ }
+ try {
+ Node rootNode=getRootNode();
+ if(overwrite){
+ session.importXML(rootNode.getPath(), inputStream,
+ }else{
+ session.importXML(rootNode.getPath(), inputStream,
+ }
+ session.save();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new RuleException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ public void setPermissionService(PermissionService permissionService) {
+ this.permissionService = permissionService;
+ }
+ public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
+ try {
+ repository = repositoryBuilder.getRepository();
+ SimpleCredentials cred = new SimpleCredentials("admin", "admin".toCharArray());
+ cred.setAttribute("AutoRefresh", true);
+ session = repository.login(cred, null);
+ versionManager = session.getWorkspace().getVersionManager();
+ Collection<ReferenceUpdater> updaters = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(ReferenceUpdater.class).values();
+ refactor = new RepositoryRefactor(this, updaters);
+ Collection<RepositoryInteceptor> repositoryInteceptors=applicationContext.getBeansOfType(RepositoryInteceptor.class).values();
+ if(repositoryInteceptors.size()==0){
+ repositoryInteceptor=new DefaultRepositoryInteceptor();
+ }else{
+ repositoryInteceptor=repositoryInteceptors.iterator().next();
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RuleException(ex);
+ }
+ }